ZOOM links for Christmas Services at St James the Less
Dear all,
Details are given below for the Zoom links for two additional services this coming week.
For our service of Lessons and Carols on Sunday 18th at 7pm the link to use is
https://us06web.zoom.us/j/ 88577998257?pwd= VzRVQkFYdmtrYW1XK0lLbEpzSnl4Zz 09
Meeting ID: 885 7799 8257
Passcode: 221218
Meeting ID: 885 7799 8257
Passcode: 221218
For our Midnight Mass service on Christmas Eve at 11.30 pm, the link to use is:
Meeting ID: 826 7415 3310
Passcode: 221224
Our services on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day will use the normal Sunday Holy Communion service Zoom link:
Meeting ID: 920 0219 7798
Passcode: 040775