St James the Less Penicuik is a Scottish registered charity (charity registration SC011288).
The Vestry is the governing body. The Rector is the Chair, and there are 11 members, elected by the members of the congregation at the AGM, held in late November or early December. Our financial and reporting year is October to September.
The constitution can be found here.
The current membership of the Vestry is:
- Rector and Chair: The Rev’d Nick Bowry
- Rector’s Warden: Marion Mather
- Peoples’ Warden: Andy Longmore
- Secretary: Charlotte Kemp
- Treasurer: Richard Finch
- Lay Representative: Gillian Little
- Alt Lay representative: Jill Drought
- PGV Officer
- Ordinary Members:
- Dy Harvey
- Kathryn Topham
- Moira Morrison (Fabric Convenor)
- Nigel Johnston (PGV Officer)
- Co-opted Member:
- Valerie McGavin