Ministry is not the sole preserve of the clergy. Ministry is for all Christians and is an essential aspect of a Christian’s life of faith. We affirm, encourage and pray for the ministry of all the baptised to flourish.
Ministry is central to our calling as Christians; to help heal the world and to bring God’s kingdom to earth, here and now. Each day in our daily offices we pray ‘Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven’.
On these pages we describe aspects of ministry that support our worship and our communal life as a Christian community in Penicuik. We understand ministry to be how members of the congregation can contribute and support our church in worship, and equip and enable our congregation, so that they, the baptised, may be of service to our community, and through that service may act as Christ’s hands in the world.
Our ministry to the local community, what is often called ‘Mission’ can be found here.