Try Praying
For some people, praying is something of a mystery. They don’t know what to say, and then start worrying about whether to kneel, sit, stand, walk, or maybe even run!
Many Christians find they are unconsciously praying at times during their waking hours, as well as setting time aside to intentionally pray.
The ‘Try Praying’ website has useful tips and guidance, and some downloadable guides. For a ‘beginner’ and also for those who think they are regular people of prayer, this website has some useful resources.
Prayer is where we communicate with God. It is important to acknowledge that it should be two-way, so please do leave time in your prayer life to sit meditatively in silence to discern God’s word for you. You may also have a sense of God’s will as you say your prayers and in voicing them know what God’s will may be, and quite often it isn’t what we are asking for!