The most recent sermon available to read is displayed on this page. Sound Files of sermons are no longer posted here. Please contact Nick if you are missing them! Below, you can download pdf text copies of sermons that have been made available by the ministry team.
Please click here to listen to readings and sermons from previous services.
Downloadable PDF files of recent sermons – please click the links!
- 02 February 2025: Candlemas (NB)
- 19 January 2025: Epiphany 2 (NB)
- 12 January 2025: Epiphany 1
- 5 January 2025: Feast of the Epiphany (NB)
- 29 December 2024: Christmas 1 (CS)
- 25 December 2024: Christmas Day (NB)
- 24 December 2024: Midnight Mass (NB)
- 22 December 2024: Lessons and Carols (NB)
- 22 December 2024: Advent 4 (PW)
- 15 December 2024: Advent 3 (NB)
- 8 December 2024: Advent 2 (SO)
- 1 December 2024: Advent Sunday (NB)
- 24 November 2024: Christ the King (JM)
- 17 November 2024: St Margaret (NB)
- 10 November 2024: Remembrance Sunday (NB)
- 03 November 2024: Proper 31 (JM)
- 27 October 2024: Proper 30 (CS)
- 20 October 2024: Proper 29 (NB)
- 13 October 2024: Proper 28 (JM)
- 06 October 2024: Proper 27 (NB)
- 29 September 2024: Proper 26 – Harvest-Festival (CS)
- 22 September 2024: Proper 25 – Creation 4 (Martin Robson)
- 15 September 2024: Proper 24 – Creation-3 (NB)
- 08 September 2024: Proper 23-Creation 2 (GP)
- 01 September 2024: Proper 22 – Creation 1 (NB)
- 25 August 2024: Renew 26 (Caroline Toms)
- 18 August 2024: Mission to Seafarers (Rona Finlayson)
- 11 August 2024: Proper 19 (Rev Jane Green)
- 4 August 2024: Proper 18 (Rev Deryck Collingwoood)
- 28 July 2024: Proper 17 (AS)
- 21 July 2024: Proper 16 (NB)
- 14 July 2024: Proper 15 (AL)
- 7 July 2024: Proper 14 (JM)
- 30 June 2024: Proper 13 (NB)
- 23 June 2024: Proper 12 (JM)
- 16 June 2024: Proper 11 (NB)
- 9 June 2024: Pentecost 3 (DMcG)
- 2 June 2024: Pentecost 2 (Rev Deryck Collingwood)
- 26 May 2024: Trinity Sunday (CS)
- 19 May 2024: Pentecost (JG)
- 12 May 2024 (Aberlour Trust talk)
- 5 May 2024 (Bishop John)
- 28 April 2024: Easter 5 (NB)
- 21 April 2024: Easter 4 (NB)
- 14 April 2024: Easter 3 (JM)
- 7 April 2024: Easter 2 (CS)
- 31 March 2024: Easter Sunday (JM)
- 28 March 2024: Maundy Thursday (NB)
- 24 March 2024: Palm Sunday – no sermon; The Passion of our Lord Jeus Christ according to Mark was read out.
- 17 March 2024: Lent5 – Passion Sunday (NB)
- 10 March 2024: Lent 4 (GP)
- 3 March 2024: Lent 3 (NB)
- 25 February 2024: Lent 2 (PW)
- 18 February 2024: Lent 1 (NB)
- 11 February 2024: Transfiguration (JM)
- 4 February 2024: Presentation of the Lord (PW)
- 28 January 2024: Epiphany 4 (PW)
- 21 January 2024: Epiphany 3 (NB)
- 14 January 2024: Epiphany 2 (AL)
- 7 January 2024: Baptism of the Lord (NB)
Please click here for the Sermon Archive – you can download sermons from August 2020 onwards.