
St James the Less is a church within the Diocese of Edinburgh of the Scottish Episcopal Church (SEC) and much of our worship follows the liturgies provided by the SEC.

The SEC is in full communion with the Anglican Communion and with the Porvoo Alliance (Scandanavian Lutheran churches).

All are welcome to St James the Less, here in Penicuik; whether you are a regular or occasional church attender, whether this is the first time you have stepped inside a church or have done so throughout your life, whether you are seeking – wondering what church is all about and what relevance it has to you, or frequently feel drawn to come closer to God in worship. You are welcome, just as you are, a unique child of God. All are valued and encouraged to grow in their relationship with God.

Our main service of worship on a Sunday is a Sung Eucharist mainly with an organ and a robed choir supporting our singing hymns. We are open, inclusive and relatively informal in style, aiming to offer time together where we can come closer to God in word, prayer, silence, music and song. At our monthly all-age service we have a less formal communion utilising the skills of other musicians and singers in our congregation.